Introducing our superb staff...
Our school is part of the Copley and New Road Federation. We work together to provide the best possible educational experience for our children, learn from each other and share good practice.
Copley School Staff
Our Team Players
There is strength in a team and at Copley we have a tremendously strong group of adults, all of whom work to give the best to our children.
HEADTEACHER - Mrs Hemingway
Our Staff
Mrs Potter Assistant Headteacher Bankhouse SENDCO Designated Safeguarding Lead History Coordinator |
Miss Maguire Akroydon
Mrs Shackleton Northdene Science Lead Early Reading Lead |
Mrs Beaumont Greenpark Art/DT Coordinator Student mentor |
Mr Moorhouse Assistant Headteacher Woodhouse PE Lead |
Mrs Ramsden Springwood Computing lead |
Miss Starkey King's Lea Music Coordinator Student mentor |
Miss Cochrane Assistant Headteacher Riverwood PSHCE/PD Lead Maths Lead |
Mrs Mitchell Hebble MFL lead
Mr Coneron Calder RE Lead |
Mrs Sykes Lydbrook Geography Literacy Lead
Dan Sports/Bushcraft |
Mrs Miller Riverwood Senior Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Smith Springwood Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Kaye Greenpark Teaching Assistant |
Miss Christie Hebble |
Miss Sheard Greenpark Teaching Assistant/ICT |
Miss Adamson Learning Mentor |
Mrs Brooks Hebble Teaching Assistant |
Miss Turner Woodhouse Teaching Assistant |
Miss Stephenson Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
Mrs MacDonald Lydbrook Teaching/Support Assistant |
Mrs Houlton Calder Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Simeunovich Springwood Support Assistant |
Mrs Clayton Clerical Assistant |
Miss Bishop Northdene Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Tuck Kings Lea Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Ives Akroydon Teaching Assistant |
Miss Turner Kings Lea Support Assistant |
Mrs Turner-Bell School Business Manager |
Mrs Hendy Senior Administrator |
Mrs Mulley-Quinn Bankhouse Teaching Assistant |
Miss Fletcher Support Assistant Miss Tordoff Riverwood Support Assistant |
Mrs Connell Senior Cleaner Miss Sparkes Before & After School Co-ordinator |
Miss Potter Playworker Mrs Matle MDS Before and After School Playworker |
Mrs Woodworth Highbury Hub teacher Mrs Gilman MDS |