E- safety

E- safety is an important part of keeping our children safe at Copley. We understand that in an increasingly digital world, it is important for children to be able to access and use the internet safely. We have extensive measures in place to safeguard children from inappropriate content or potential dangers. In addition to this, online safety is taught to children through their computing and ICT lessons. Assemblies also cover important parts of e- safety in an age appropriate manner.  We believe education around safe use, is essential.


To ensure safety of our children online, working alongside parents is also vital. There are lots of very useful websites that provide information and guidance on keeping children safe on the internet. Below are some links to websites that may be useful:



We are aware that sometimes, knowing what children can access on different apps can be confusing. The website below contains lots of helpful guides for parents about all the common apps/ devices children might access and how you can help to keep them safe while online. 

We have included guides to some of the most commonly used apps/ services below, however, the website has tonnes of information about all sorts of games and apps. 

FACEBOOK.pdf .pdf
NETFLIX.pdf .pdf
WHATSAPP.pdf .pdf